The Pizza Popularity Phenomenon

The traditional Italian dish – pizza – has already become quite familiar not only for the inhabitants of Rome but also for all peoples of the world. Delicious and fast in cooking time, pizza meets many of the requirements for modern culinary achievements.
Reasons for the popularity of pizza:
- compactness and ease of transportation;
- versatility and appropriateness of ordering a dish both in a warm, friendly atmosphere and in an elite-level restaurant;
- a wide range of fillings: from vegetarian vegetables to rich meat filets and sausages, as well as seafood;
- acceptable cost;
- high nutritional value;
- the usefulness and variability of the products included in the dish.
In the modern rhythm of life, for city dwellers, pizza is a simple, quick, and unrealistically gastronomically rich dish, because quickly baked vegetables and meat retain most of the vitamins and are absorbed rapidly. It can be a tasty and satisfying addition to the best gambling sites and a great opportunity to win cash on a few more favorite margaritas.
History of Pizza: Ancestors and Relatives
The history of pizza goes back to ancient times. In Sardinia, archaeologists have found bread baked over 7,000 years ago! The ancient Jews, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks baked the flatbread in clay ovens. And in ancient Rome, the most popular food for peasants and warriors was focaccia – panis focaccia, which translates as “bread baked in the hearth.” It is focaccia that is considered a distant ancestor and relative of pizza.
Of course, these first “tests of the pen” cannot be 100% called pizza in the view of modern people. But they became the foundation on which this dish arose.
How Pizza Spread Around The World
It was with the pizza, born in Naples, that the triumphal procession of pizza worldwide began. At the end of the 19th century, Italians moved en masse to the United States, and pizza began to conquer other continents. Italian immigrants sold pizza in their shops, and the first pizzeria on American soil was opened in 1905 in New York.
Pizzerias opened in all major US cities where Italian immigrants lived – New York, Boston, and Chicago (there even appeared its own Chicago style of pizza). The Italian national dish gained popularity after World War II when American soldiers visited Italy and “tasted” pizza. And since the late 50s, the era of frozen pizza, which is sold in supermarkets, pizza chains such as Pizza Hut and Domino’s Pizza, and pizza delivery services at home began.
Pizza – Cultural Heritage
The first pizzeria opened in Italy in 1830. After work, Italians willingly went to a cozy place to eat their favorite dish and drink wine or coffee. Other Italian entrepreneurs immediately picked up the idea, and the number of pizzerias in the country began to grow rapidly.
The history of Italy is full of difficult periods, the standard of living for Italians often became critically low, and thousands of people went in search of a better life to other countries. Many ended up in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century and introduced residents to their culture, including the culture of eating pizza.
In 1984, Naples even created a special “pizza police” – The True Neapolitan Pizza Association. They follow technology, tradition, and the best restaurants in Italy. But, no kidding, they also keep a close eye on the fact that pineapples are never added to pizza under any circumstances.

Margherita – Business Card of Italian Pizza
So the dish is named after Queen Margherita of Savoy, who, having once tasted a Neapolitan village cake with cheese filling, truly fell in love with this simple but no less tasty dish. It was also decorated in the colors of the flag of Italy, which is why Margarita wanted to try such an attractive cake. Tomatoes were responsible for the red base, the goat cheese was white, and green basil completed the composition. Since then, pizzaiolo, named the dish in honor of the Queen, has become famous and presented the world with the simplest and most delicious goodies.
As we know, the best pizzaiolo from all over the world come up with different recipes for each person, sweet, savory, spicy, etc. There is some excitement in this, as in Play Fortune PL gry hazardowe with various slots and bonuses.
Little Known Pizza Facts
Among the various moments associated with this unsurpassed dish, there are those that many people do not even know about.
The owner of Domenico Crolla in Glasgow is busy creating amazing pizza pictures. He portrays celebrities. An extraordinary project of a talented man is called Pizza Couture. In the process of work, he uses the simplest ingredients. Famous singers, politicians, athletes, and fashion designers appear on such dishes.
Interesting facts about pizza are not limited to the field of cooking. Culturologists and sociologists use the same term. It symbolizes certain parts of the culture of the people that have changed. It is based on the transformation of the pizza itself, which has turned from a dish for the poor into the most sought-after and popular delicacy over time.
Modern culture also does not bypass her attention. For example, there is a pizza museum in Philadelphia, which is also a Pizza Brain restaurant. The restaurant offers a wide variety of dishes.